Simone Sonn

Simone Sonn

Collaborations and Engagement Manager

Simone is the Collaborations and Engagements Manager of the Initiative for Strategic Litigation in Africa. Simone studied law at the University of the Western Cape, after which she worked in the South African Human Rights Commission’s human rights education and advocacy unit focussing on the right to equality. At the Legal Resources Centre, she was the coordinator of the organisation’s regional and international advocacy programme and later for managing its major grants.

Simone has worked in collaboration with a diverse range of public interest law groups and activists on projects that combine strategic litigation, research, engagement with regional and international human rights mechanisms and campaigning. She firmly believes that collective and creative efforts towards the achievement of social justice will lead to the development and enforcement of laws that promote gender and sexuality rights across Africa.

 Simone enjoys literature, arts and crafts and spending time with her family.