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No Fault Divorce Case
Reflections on the AU Reforms and Youth Engagement Webinar
Expert Advisory on Litigating Obstetric Violence in Africa External Report
Civil Society Organizations and National Human Rights Institutions call for more transparency and announce new initiative on the nomination and selection of members of human rights mechanisms in Africa
Validation Session of CSO’s Position Paper on the AU Reforms process
The supreme court of Kenya distinguishes between presumption of marriage and long cohabitation as a family forming union not necessary a marriage
Upholding Human Rights in Africa: The Vital Role of Strategic Litigation
About Us
Founded in 2014, the Initiative for Strategic Litigation in Africa (ISLA) is a Pan-African and feminist initiative with a timely remit: to strengthen strategic human rights litigation across the African continent. Essentially, we aim to change the way that strategic litigation is used so as to enable broader access to justice and to support those who seek to hold states accountable for violations of women’s human rights and sexual rights.
Contact Details
Contact Number:
+27 11 338 9028
Fax: +27 11 338 9029
Address: 87 de Korte Street,
South Point Corner, 7th Floor Braamfontein, 2017 Gauteng, South Africa