Application Form FLN Phase 3 Network Development Click Here to preview the application form Click Here to download the required template for Public Litigation Cases which you will need to upload when completing the application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 6GUIDANCE Prior to completing this needs assessment form, please read the call for application which provides more details on ISLA and the Feminist Litigation Network. Please note this partnership is limited to: Organisations that want to strengthen (associate) or establish (core) strategic litigation units. Strategic litigation should already be an agreed way of working within the organisation. Organisations that approve of the use of feminist legal methods and are willing to institutionalise skills learned from the partnership. Organisations that can create an enabling environment for strategic litigation and are able to support the participation of lawyers in the partnership. Organisations and lawyers that are willing to commit to the three-year partnership. This includes active participation in 6 two-week litigation institutes (two each year). Both the organisation and lawyers must be willing to ensure attendance and participation in the learning exercises. Lawyers who are already using litigation or are interested in using litigation as a significant part of their practice. We recognize there are other ways to use the law and feminism however, this partnership is limited to litigation practitioners. Lawyers that are feminist. NextSave and Resume LaterPRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONS 1. Is your organisation an NGO or a civil society organisation?Yes2. Is your organisation woman-led or do you have women in leadership positions?Yes3. Are there two or more women litigators in your organisation?Yes4. Is the leadership of the organisation willing to commit to the management of this partnership?Yes5. Are the lawyers who are to be part of this partnership willing to commit to the three-year partnership including participation in 6 two-week Litigation Institutes?YesPreviousNextSave and Resume LaterGENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION (this entire section is mandatory) Organization Name *Organization registration number *Physical address (must be provided) *Postal address (if different from above) Email *Phone *Contact person *Executive Director’s Name *Executive Director’s Email Address *Executive Director’s Phone Number *NextSave and Resume LaterINSTITUTIONAL PROFILE (each response should be no more that 300 words) 1. Describe the nature of your organisation’s mandate, objectives, and underpinning ideology. *2. Describe the ecosystem in which your organisation works? What are your priority areas? What needs do you serve? *3. To what extent does your organisation work on women’s human rights? What are some of the programmes? *4. Is your organisational position that the law is neutral? Please explain. *5. What are the elements that either hinder or enable legal protection for women’s human rights in your jurisdiction? *6. Is there an enabling environment to use strategic litigation as a tool for social change in your jurisdiction? What do you perceive to be barriers or opportunities? *STRATEGIC LITIGATION (INSTITUTIONAL SYSTEMS, TOOLS AND PROCESSES) 7. Is strategic litigation included in your organisation’s Strategic Plan? If so, how is it included?8. If your organisation has used strategic litigation, how has it used it as part of its work? How does this interact with other ways of working in your organisation?9. How many years has your organisation been involved in strategic litigation?10. Does your organisation have a Strategic Litigation Unit?11. Does your organisation/Unit have a strategic litigation concept note or strategy document? If so, kindly attach this. If not, does you organisation plan to develop a concept note or document? 12. If your organisation has a unit/department solely focused on strategic litigation, what tools does this unit have? (E.g., client form, case sourcing tool, case development plan among others)13. If your organisation does not have a dedicated unit how are cases managed? How does the decision to take a case take place? Who are cases allocated to?14. Is your organisation willing to incorporate new tools and processes as part of its Strategic Litigation Unit? If so, are there any processes that are instrumental to your organisation’s Unit?15. Does your organisation/unit have a dedicated budget for strategic litigation? what does this budget support? Is it sufficient? 16. Does your organisation/Unit have a media and communication strategy for cases you are involved in?17. Does your organisation/Unit develop an advocacy plan for cases you are involved in?18. How do you measure the impact of your strategic litigation work?CASE MANAGEMENT 19. What is your organisation’s case selection criteria?20. Does the organisation represent individual clients, act in its own name or both?21. How does your organisation decide whether to represent individual clients or to act in its own name? 22. What is your organisation’s appreciation and use of amicus curiae briefs? How many times has your organisation been involved in a case as an amicus curiae?23. Once you have decided to work on a case, what is the organisation’s procedure on how the case should be conducted for example: allocating a lawyer, identifying violations, framing of arguments, evidence, experts, decision on the use of outside counsel etc…24. To what extent do you brief external counsel? What is the extent of the in-house lawyers’ engagement in litigation (consulting with clients, development of legal arguments, drafting of pleadings, conducting research)?25. Do you receive external advice on strategic litigation? If yes, who gives external advice?PARTNERSHIP 26. What kind of partnership (Core or Associate) is your organisation interested in and why? Please refer to call for application.27. If your organisation has a unit or department that solely focuses on strategic litigation: how many members of staff work in the unit/ department: what is the percentage of their allocated time do the litigators work specifically on strategic litigation?28. Are there two or more women litigators in your organisation? Kindly attach their CVsCV Upload Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. Attach Both CV'sRELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT 29. Is the leadership of your organisation willing to commit its resources to the management of this partnership? Who shall be assigned to manage this partnership?30. How much time can the assigned manager dedicate to the management of this partnership monthly? (Can answer in hours or days).31. Does your organisation have a performance management system? If so, please describe it?32. If there is a Strategic Litigation Unit within the organisation, how does supervision take place?33. If you seeking support to establish a Unit (Core Partnership) where in your organogram will the Unit sit? Who will the lawyer in the Unit report to?34. If successful with your application: are you willing to work closely with the ISLA team to jointly manage the Network lawyer and incorporate elements of the FLN in the management of the Lawyer?PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION CASES Kindly Download and Complete the template at the top of this page and attach it here * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. PreviousNextSave and Resume LaterLAWYER 1 PERSONAL INFORMATION Lawyer’s Name Email address *Phone number 1. What is your undergraduate degree qualification? 2. What is your highest degree qualification? 3. Do you have plans for furthering your studies?4. If you have completed a specialised qualification in human rights or constitutional law (e.g., LLM in Human Rights and Democratization OR dissertation on Women and Land), please set out the details. 5. Have you ever undergone a Values Clarification exercise? What areas were covered?6. Does your current work give you the opportunity to practice law in your area of speciality? Describe what this entails?7. How long have you been practising as a lawyer? 2-4 years4-8 years8+ years LITIGATION EXPERIENCE 1. Do you have any experience with litigation?YesNoIf yes, provide details of your experience.Please Provide Litigation Experience Details2. Have you brought a case before court and argued it on behalf of a client? YesNoIf yes, provide details of the case.Please Provide Details Of The Case3. Do you think strategic litigation can be a tool for social change? YesNoExplain Your Answer4. Have you undertaken strategic litigation?YesNoIf yes, what did the strategic litigation involve? What was your role in the litigation process?What was the outcome of the process?5. How often do you draft court papers that are used in strategic litigation?NeverSeldomOften6. Have you been involved in constitutional and human rights litigation?YesNoIf yes, provide details.7. Have you used international law and regional human rights law in your litigation?YesNoIf yes, provide details.8. Do you keep abreast of domestic human rights law developments on women’s human rights?YesNoIf yes, provide details.9. Have you been involved in (sub)regional human rights litigation?YesNoIf yes, provide details.10. Do you keep abreast of regional human rights law developments on women’s human rights?YesNoIf yes, provide details.11. Who are you ultimately accountable to? Rate in order of importance between 1-5 (1 being most important, and 5 being least important) Client Selected Value: 0 Donor Selected Value: 0 Employer Selected Value: 0 Partner NGOs Selected Value: 0 State Selected Value: 0 WOMEN HUMAN RIGHTS AND FEMINIST ANALYSIS (500 words) 12. Can you share a Court decision on women’s human rights that has been impactful on you? Please explain what the case was about and why it was impactful?13. Can you explain any recent legal developments or cases that have impacted disability rights? How might these developments affect current or future cases?14. How do you assess the strengths and weaknesses of a potential disability rights case?15. What is your approach to working with expert witnesses, such as medical professionals or disability advocates?16. Is the law neutral? Explain your answer.LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT (500 words) 17. What is the most recent text/judgement/book you have read outside of your primary work? Please share key lessons learned.18. Which article or book has been most impactful in your development as a lawyer that is also a woman? Please share key lessons learned.19. What is your approach to your own development? Have you pursued any training/learning through your own initiatives? How did this develop you as a lawyer?PreviousNextSave and Resume LaterLAWYER 2 PERSONAL INFORMATION Lawyer’s Name Email address Phone number 1. What is your undergraduate degree qualification? 2. What is your highest degree qualification? 3. Do you have plans for furthering your studies?4. If you have completed a specialised qualification in human rights or constitutional law (e.g., LLM in Human Rights and Democratization OR dissertation on Women and Land), please set out the details. 5. Have you ever undergone a Values Clarification exercise? What areas were covered?6. Does your current work give you the opportunity to practice law in your area of speciality? Describe what this entails?7. How long have you been practising as a lawyer?2-4 years4-8 years8+ yearsLITIGATION EXPERIENCE 1. Do you have any experience with litigation?YesNoIf yes, provide details of your experience.2. Have you brought a case before court and argued it on behalf of a client? YesNoIf yes, provide details of the case.3. Do you think strategic litigation can be a tool for social change? YesNoExplain your answer.4. Have you undertaken strategic litigation?YesNoIf yes, what did the strategic litigation involve? What was your role in the litigation process?What was the outcome of the process?5. How often do you draft court papers that are used in strategic litigation?NeverSeldomOften6. Have you been involved in constitutional and human rights litigation?YesNoIf yes, provide details.7. Do you keep abreast of domestic human rights law developments on women’s human rights?YesNoIf yes, provide details.9. Do you keep abreast of regional human rights law developments on women’s human rights?YesNoIf yes, provide details.10. Who are you ultimately accountable to? Rate in order of importance between 1-5 (1 being most important, and 5 being least important) Client Selected Value: 0 Donor Selected Value: 0 Employer Selected Value: 0 Partner NGOs Selected Value: 0 State Selected Value: 0 WOMEN HUMAN RIGHTS AND FEMINIST ANALYSIS (500 words) 11. Can you share a Court decision on women’s human rights that has been impactful on you? Please explain what the case was about and why it was impactful?12. Do you have a conceptual understanding of women’s socio-economic rights? If so, what does this entail13. Do you have a conceptual understanding of Violence against women? If so, what does this entail. 14. Do you identify as a feminist? If so, can you share more about this, including your watershed moment? If not, do you have another ideological leaning and are you open to learning more about feminism?15. Is the law neutral? Explain your answer.LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT (500 words) 16. What is the most recent text/judgement/book you have read outside of your primary work? Please share key lessons learned.17. Which article or book has been most impactful in your development as a lawyer that is also a woman? Please share key lessons learned.18. What is your approach to your own development? Have you pursued any training/learning through your own initiatives? How did this develop you as a lawyer?PreviousSubmitSave and Resume Later Your form entry has been saved and a unique link has been created which you can access to resume this form. Enter your email address to receive the link via email. Alternatively, you can copy and save the link below. Please note, this link should not be shared and will expire in 30 days, afterwards your form entry will be deleted. Copy Link Email * Send Link