Thematic Areas
Violence Against Women
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Violence Against Women
We prioritise the enhancement of the protection of women from violence in its many forms, through the development of legal standards that elaborate on state obligations. Violence against women is a form of discrimination. We focus on the positive obligations of the state to hold both state and non-state actors accountable for the protection of women and the prevention of this form of discrimination.
Through this thematic area, we address the following main issues:
- The failure to provide legal protection to adult victims of human trafficking.
- Legal defence of victims of violence who intersect with the criminal justice system.
- The recognition and expansion of legal defences available to women who engage in the criminal justice system as a result of violence perpetrated on them or against them.
- Legal defence for women who name their abusers.
- The failure to provide adequate responses and protection from violence against women with intersecting identities, including women with disabilities, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender (LBT) women and migrant women.
- The extent to which gender stereotypes inform state failure to adequately respond to violence against women.
About Us
Founded in 2014, the Initiative for Strategic Litigation in Africa (ISLA) is a Pan-African and feminist initiative with a timely remit: to strengthen strategic human rights litigation across the African continent. Essentially, we aim to change the way that strategic litigation is used so as to enable broader access to justice and to support those who seek to hold states accountable for violations of women’s human rights and sexual rights.
Contact Details
Contact Number:
+27 11 338 9028
Fax: +27 11 338 9029
Address: 87 de Korte Street,
South Point Corner, 7th Floor Braamfontein, 2017 Gauteng, South Africa