Dr Tatu Kamau v The Hon. Attorney General and the Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Board

Document Description

Amicus curiae application in: Dr Tatu Kamau v The Hon. Attorney General and the Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Board Constitutional Petition No 8 of 2017 in the High Court of Kenya, Machakos


The petitioner in this case is challenging the constitutionality of the Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act (FGM Act) in its entirety. She claims that the FGM Act prohibits the right of women to perform their culture and tradition. She argues that female genital mutilation (FGM) is a cultural practice that has been performed from time immemorial. That the FGM Act by condemning that tradition presents FGM as a dangerous and violent practice which is not the case. She argues that FGM is part of national heritage and history and legislature did not have reasons to prohibit it. She contends that the legislature by enacting the FMG Act violates the right of women from those communities that practice it to practice their culture as provided for under Article 44 of the Constitution of Kenya. For those reasons she seeks for the Act to be declared unconstitutional.

ISLA and KELIN prepared and filed a joint application to be joined as amicus curiae in the matter. We have filed a joint amicus brief that aims to create regional jurisprudence on:

  • The content of the international law positive obligation on States to enact laws against FGM, a form of gender-based discrimination.
  • FGM as a violation of the right to health.


Brief – to be updated
Application for Joinder – to be updated



18 July 2017

Petition filed before the court


18 October 2017

ISLA and KELIN filed an application for joinder as joint amicus curiae


2 – 20 November 2017

2 November 2017: The case was up for mentioning on applications for intervention as amicus

20 November 2017: The amended petition was filed before the court

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17 January 2018

The case was up for mentioning where ISLA and KELIN were admitted as amicus curiae


13 – 18 April 2018

13 April 2018: ISLA and KELIN filed the joint brief

18 April 2018:

  • The case was up for mentioning at which time the judge was to provide a hearing date and indicate the number of judges that would preside over the case
  • At the mentioning, the judge was unable to give further directions as not all the parties had complied with the court’s previous directive


20 June 2018

The case was up for mentioning before a three-judge bench appointed by the Chief Justice; the hearing dates were determined as 24 and 25 October 2019

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24 and 25 October 2019

Hearing of witness testimonies


5 – 17 December 2019

5 December 2019: Hearing of witness testimonies removed from the roll

17 December 2019: Hearing of witness testimonies

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13 and 14 February 2020

Hearing proceeded and witness testimonies finalised


12 June 2020

Final oral submissions by virtual hearing postponed due to technological challenges


24 September 2020

Final oral submissions removed from the court roll


8 October 2020

Final oral submissions heard by virtual hearing


14 December 2020

Reserved for judgment

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