No Fault Divorce Case

Should the law in Kenya allow parties to a marriage to divorce without establishing fault on any of the parties to the marriage? By Carolene Kituku Advocate – Managing lawyer women-socio economic rights at ISLA   Divorce: an end and a new beginning  Marriage is a...
Reflections on the AU Reforms and Youth Engagement Webinar

Reflections on the AU Reforms and Youth Engagement Webinar

Blog Post: Reflections on the AU Reforms and Youth Engagement Webinar Unpacking the African Union Reforms: A New Dawn for Africa? The AU Reforms process, which began in 2017, have yet to fully integrate the voices of African Citizens, including the youth. To bridge...
Civil Society Organizations and National Human Rights Institutions call for more transparency and announce new initiative on the nomination and selection of members of human rights mechanisms in Africa

Civil Society Organizations and National Human Rights Institutions call for more transparency and announce new initiative on the nomination and selection of members of human rights mechanisms in Africa

Arusha, February 21, 2024 Civil society organizations and National Human Rights Institutions engaging with the African Union (AU) human rights mechanisms call for greater transparency in the nominations and selection of its members, and a more inclusive and...