Frequently Asked

Sexual Rights Litigation Network

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What is the Sexual Rights Litigation Network (SXLN)?

The SXLN is a network established by ISLA to support movements that are interested in using strategic litigation as a tool for achieving social change. The SXLN serves as a network for individuals and groups working on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE) related issues.

What are the pillars of the SXLN?

The SXLN achieves its mission through four major areas of work or pillars: Network development; Relationship Management; Capacity Strengthening; and Institutional Strengthening. Each of these pillars is focused on a different aspect of building and strengthening local networks to support SOGIE rights.

What is the purpose of the curriculum modules?

The SXLN has developed a curriculum to provide organisations with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively establish and strengthen local networks and develop capacity to undertake strategic litigation.

How does the SXLN support local movements?

The SXLN supports local movements by providing guidance, resources, and training on the various aspects of building and strengthening local networks. This includes identifying and researching significant actors in the various country contexts, selecting local coordinating partners, and providing capacity strengthening and institutional strengthening to local movements.

What is the goal of the page?

The goal of the page is to enable people to glean basic information about the SXLN, carry out a contextual analysis, then select members to be part of the network. Having done that, they would invite ISLA to guide the development of the network, support development of cases, and provide capacity strengthening and institutional strengthening over 3 years. After the 3 years, the network should be able to operate independently of ISLA and to fundraise make decisions, and litigate. The ISLA website provides information about the SXLN, as well as guidance for using the curriculum modules to establish and strengthen local networks.

Who can use the SXLN curriculum modules?

The SXLN curriculum modules are designed to be used by organisations and movements that are interested in using strategic litigation as a tool for achieving social change. This includes individuals in the community, institutional partners, and movement lawyers.

How long does it take to establish a local network?

The process of establishing a local network can vary depending on the specific context and challenges faced by the community and movement. The SXLN provides guidance and support over a 3-year period, after which the network should be able to operate independently of ISLA and to fundraise, make decisions, and litigate.

What are the benefits of being a member of the SXLN?

Being a member of the SXLN provides access to a network of organisations and individuals working on SOGIE rights, as well as resources, training and support for developing and strengthening local networks, and engaging in strategic litigation.

How can I contact the ISLA for more information or support?

You can contact ISLA, we will be happy to provide more information or support for your inquiry.

Does ISLA provide funding for strategic litigation cases?

ISLA does not provide funding for strategic litigation cases directly, but it provides support and guidance for local networks to develop sustainable funding strategies.

How does the SXLN ensure the inclusion of marginalized groups within the movement?

The SXLN places a strong emphasis on inclusivity and ensures that movements are fully inclusive of the LGBTIQ+ community, rather than tokenized participation. Relationship management aspect of the work includes understanding the dynamics of each context and assessing various factors that contribute to an enabling environment to litigate before embarking on a strategic litigation campaign. It also involves contributing towards a culture of collaboration and accountability in movements, recognizing and harnessing various forms of knowledge, and learning from diverse contexts through political education.

How does the SXLN support the sustainability of local networks?

The SXLN provides sustained support to local LGBTIQ+ partner organisations so that their institutional cultures, policies, systems, and practices can enable an internal environment for effective SOGIE strategic litigation. This includes organizational sustainability, legal recognition for LGBTIQ+ associations and internal review of organizational practices.

Is the SXLN only available to African countries?

The SXLN is currently focused on supporting movements in Africa. If your community or movement is facing challenges related to SOGIE rights and is interested in using strategic litigation as a tool for achieving social change, please contact us to discuss the possibility of establishing a local network.

Can I use the curriculum modules without the support of ISLA?

The curriculum modules are designed to be used in conjunction with the guidance and support provided by ISLA. While the modules provide valuable information and resources, the support of ISLA is crucial in ensuring the effective establishment and strengthening of local networks. We recommend reaching out to us for guidance and support before using the curriculum modules.

Is there a cost for using the SXLN curriculum modules?

The SXLN curriculum modules are available for free. However, please note that there may be costs associated with implementing the strategies and activities outlined in the modules, such as travel and accommodation expenses for trainings or networking events.

What kind of support can I expect from ISLA when using the curriculum modules?

When using the curriculum modules, you can expect support from ISLA in the form of guidance, resources, and training on the various aspects of building and strengthening local networks. This includes identifying and researching significant actors in the various country contexts, selecting local coordinating partners, and providing capacity strengthening and institutional strengthening to local networks.

How can I join the SXLN network?

To join the SXLN network, you can contact us, and we will guide you through the process of establishing and strengthening a local network in your community.

About Us

Founded in 2014, the Initiative for Strategic Litigation in Africa (ISLA) is a Pan-African and feminist initiative with a timely remit: to strengthen strategic human rights litigation across the African continent. Essentially, we aim to change the way that strategic litigation is used so as to enable broader access to justice and to support those who seek to hold states accountable for violations of women’s human rights and sexual rights.

Contact Details

Contact Number:

+27 11 338 9028

Fax: +27 11 338 9029

Address: 87 de Korte Street,
South Point Corner, 7th Floor Braamfontein, 2017 Gauteng, South Africa